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MATLAB Applications for the Practical Engineer
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  • Title MATLAB Applications for the Practical Engineer
  • Author(s) Kelly Bennett
  • Publisher: InTech (September 08, 2014)
  • Hardcover 664 pages
  • eBook PDF Files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-953-51-1719-3
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Book Description

Being an automotive enthusiast and hobbyist, there is a saying around the race track that speed isnt everything, its just most everything. Similar sentiments can be said about MATLAB. MATLAB isn't everything to a practicing engineer, its just most everything. MATLAB is an indispensable asset for scientists, researchers, and engineers.

The richness of the MATLAB computational environment combined with an integrated development environment (IDE) and straightforward interface, toolkits, and simulation and modeling capabilities, creates a research and development tool that has no equal.

From quick code prototyping to full blown deployable applications, MATLAB stands as a de facto development language and environment serving the technical needs of a wide range of users. As a collection of diverse applications, each book chapter presents a novel application and use of MATLAB for a specific result.

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