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Mastering Perl/Tk
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  • Title: Mastering Perl/Tk
  • Author(s) Steve Lidie and Nancy Walsh
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1st edition (January 2002)
  • Hardcover/Paperback: 746 pages
  • eBook: HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1565927168
  • ISBN-13: 978-1565927162
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Book Description

This book is a part of O'Reilly® The Perl CD Bookshelf, Version 3.0

Perl/Tk is the marriage of the Tk graphical toolkit with Perl, the powerful programming language used primarily for system administration, web programming, and database manipulation. With Perl/Tk, you can build Perl programs with an attractive, intuitive GUI interface with all the power of Perl behind it.

Mastering Perl/Tk is the "bible" of Perl/Tk: It's not only a great book for getting started, but the best reference for learning the techniques of experienced Perl/Tk programmers. The first half of the book contains the basics on how to use Perl/Tk, and then branches out into advanced applications with a series of extensive program examples. The result is a book accessible for novices, and invaluable for experienced programmers ready to learn the next step in the elegant and effective use of Perl/Tk. The book includes:

  • An introduction to each of the basic Perl/Tk widgets and geometry managers
  • A dissection of the MainLoop, including how to use callbacks and bindings effectively
  • Coverage of the Tix widgets, an extended set of widgets that are a part of the standard Perl/Tk distribution
  • Working with images in Perl/Tk, including bitmaps, pixmaps, photos, and how to compose a compound image type
  • How to create custom mega-widgets in Perl/Tk, both composite and derived
  • Handling interprocess communication with Perl/Tk, both with standard Unix utilities (pipes and sockets) and with the send command designed for direct communication between Tk applications
  • Developing your own Tk widget in the C language
  • Examples of web applications written with Perl/Tk and the LWP library
About the Authors
  • Steve Lidie has spent decades consulting, programming and administering systems from Apple, CDC, DEC, HP, IBM, Microsoft and SGI. Author of the Perl/Tk Pocket Reference and graduate of Lehigh University, he currently manages the University's large-scale scientific computing complex, and occasionally writes Tk articles for The Perl Journal and PerlMonth.
  • Nancy Walsh has been involved with Perl (and Perl/Tk) since 1996. She received a Computer Science degree from the University of Arizona in 1993, and currently works as a Principal Consultant for XOR, Inc. doing J2EE and Java work on various projects. Nancy has taught several Perl/Tk Tutorials at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference and is also the author of Learning Perl/Tk.
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