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Beginning Perl by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe
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  • Title Beginning Perl by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe
  • Authors Curtis 'Ovid' Poe
  • Publisher: Wrox; 1 edition (September 19, 2012)
  • Paperback: 696 pages
  • eBook: Online, HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1118013840
  • ISBN-13: 978-1118013847
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Book Description

This book provides the information and instruction you need to confidently get started with Perl.

Perl is the ever-popular, flexible, open source programming language that has been called the programmers' Swiss army knife. This book introduces Perl to both new programmers and experienced ones who are looking to learn a new language. In the tradition of the popular Wrox Beginning guides, it presents the newest features, real-world examples, and everything necessary for a Perl novice to start programming with confidence.

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