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- Title: Mathematical Reasoning: Writing and Proof
- Author(s) Ted Sundstrom
- Publisher: CreateSpace, (June 11, 2014); eBook (version 2.1, June 19, 2014)
- Paperback: 680 pages
- eBook: PDF Files
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1500143413
- ISBN-13: 978-1500143411
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This is a text for the first college mathematics course that introduces students to the processes of constructing and writing proofs and focuses on the formal development of mathematics.
The primary goals of the text are to help students: Develop logical thinking skills and to develop the ability to think more abstractly in a proof oriented setting. Develop the ability to construct and write mathematical proofs using standard methods of mathematical proof including direct proofs, proof by contradiction, mathematical induction, case analysis, and counterexamples.
Important features of the book include: Emphasis on writing in mathematics instruction in the process of constructing proofs Emphasis on active learning. Includes material needed for further study in mathematics.
About the Authors- Richard Hammack is an associate professor of mathematics at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. A native of rural southern Virginia, he studied painting at Rhode Island School of Design before an interest in computer graphics and visualization led him to mathematics. He works mostly in the areas of combinatorics and graph theory.
- General and Miscellaneous Mathematics
- Mathematical Logic - Set Theory, Model Theory, Proof Theory, Computability, etc.
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