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Odoo Development Essentials
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  • Title: Odoo Development Essentials
  • Author(s) Daniel Reis
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (March 31, 2015)
  • Paperback: 172 pages
  • eBook: PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 1784392790
  • ISBN-13: 978-1784392796
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Book Description

This book is intended for developers who need to quickly become productive with Odoo. You are expected to have experience developing business applications, as well as an understanding of MVC application design and knowledge of the Python programming language.

Odoo is a powerful and fast-growing business application platform. Beginning with setting up the development environment, this book will then guide you through a practical journey to build feature-rich business applications

The book concludes with a guide to Odoo interaction and how to use the Odoo API from other programs, all of which will enable you to efficiently integrate applications with other external systems.

  • Leverage the powerful and rapid development Odoo framework to build the perfect app for your business needs
  • Learn to use models, views, and business logic to assemble solid business applications effectively
  • Get up and running with Odoo and integrate it with external data and applications using this easy-to-follow guide
About the Authors
  • Daniel Reis has worked in the IT industry for over 15 years, most of it for a multinational consultancy firm, implementing business applications for a variety of sectors, including telco, banking, and industry. He has been working with Odoo (formerly OpenERP) since 2010, is an active contributor to the Odoo Community Association projects, and has been a regular speaker at the OpenDays annual conference.
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