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Open XML Explained
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  • Title Open XML Explained
  • Author(s) Wouter van Vugt
  • Publisher:Microsoft (2007)
  • Paperback 129 pages
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B001CZ6DQC
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A

Book Description

In this book you will be provided a detailed overview of the three major markup languages in Open XML. This book is written for those who have a basic understanding of XML or HTML. If you are a software architect or developer who needs to build document-centric solutions you can learn about how to build your value-added solutions based on the Open XML platform. Those new to document markup languages as well as those more experienced in document markup but new to Open XML will benefit from this book.

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  • N/A
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