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Optimization for Engineering Systems
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  • Title: Optimization for Engineering Systems
  • Author(s) Ralph W. Pike
  • Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold (1986); eBook (2001)
  • Hardcover: 417 pages
  • eBook: HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0442275811
  • ISBN-13: 978-0442275815
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Book Description

This book stands at the interface of mathematics and industrial applications of optimization. The topics were selected for their breadth of application to the optimization of engineering systems, especially continuous ones. Moreover, the mathematics of optimization has been presented to provide a foundation for those methods that have proven successful in industrial applications.

Optimization has many facets ranging from pure mathematics to automated manufacturing. Over time, there has been a flow of optimization concepts and algorithms from mathematics to applications in engineering design and operation of manufacturing plants. A classic example is the Simplex Algorithm of linear programming which is used in a wide variety of industrial and other applications.

The material is structured to build on knowledge of calculus and differential equations by beginning with the classical theory of maxima and minima to establish a base for the modern methods that follow. The progression of topics was designed to add depth and breadth in the concepts and applications as the individual moves through the material. Upon completion, this should provide the necessary background for further reading of texts, monographs and current research literature on the subject.

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