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Rails 3 in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
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  • Title Rails 3 in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference
  • Author(s) Fauser Cody, MacAulay James, Guenin John, Ocampo-Gooding Edward
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (July 15, 2010)
  • Paperback: 352 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0596521421
  • ISBN-13: 978-0596521424
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Book Description

Get the high-quality documentation you need to create effective database-driven websites with the popular Rails framework. Rails 3 in a Nutshell is the first book available on the latest version, Rails 3.0. It provides you with a concise yet thorough introduction to the framework, an overview of commands and configurations, and a comprehensive reference to every method - all in one handy, easy-to-use reference.

In just a few days you can learn how to build full-fledged applications with the Ruby scripting language that are light on code, highly scalable, and contain everything from templates to control flow. Rails in a Nutshell is your one-stop resource, complete with a third-party API Quick Reference for both Rails 3.0 and 2.3, as well as information on little-known and undocumented features. Build iPhone apps using tools you already know how to use

  • Understand the basics of Ruby
  • Build clean and maintainable applications with models, controllers, views, migrations, mail, and web services
  • Integrate pre-fab tools and libraries into your applications with RubyGems
  • Become familiar with Rails packages such as ActiveRecord to connect business objects and database tables, ActiveResource for web services, and more
  • Learn about the new Rack web server interface, and more

About the Authors
  • Cody Fauser is currently CTO of Ottawa based Shopify, the best e-commerce solution on the web. He is responsible for ensuring that Shopify is a robust, world-class platform for over 5,000 online businesses.

    Cody is the lead author of Rails in a Nutshell, and contributed to Advanced Rails Recipes. He also wrote RJS Templates for Rails and the PeepCode ActiveMerchant PDF. Cody enjoys participating in Open Source projects and is the sole maintainer of ActiveMerchant, the most popular payment processing library for Ruby.

    Cody currently lives in Buenos Aires with his wife Maria and son Simon. You can check out his blog at and follow him on Twitter at

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