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- Title: SQL for Web Nerds
- Author(s) Philip Greenspun
- Publisher:
- Paperback: N/A
- eBook: HTML
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: N/A
- ISBN-13: N/A
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SQL, or structured query language, is theinternational standard language for creating and maintainingrelational databases. It is the basis of all major databases in usetoday and is essential for the storage and retrieval of database information.
This book covers data modeling, simple queries, complex queries, transactions, triggers, views, style, PL/SQL, trees, handling dates in Oracle, limits in Oracle, tuning, data warehousing, foreign and legacy data and normalization.
About the Authors- N/A
- SQL - The Structured Query Language
- Oracle Databases
- PostgreSQL
- Database Theory and Systems
- Microsoft SQL Server
Introduction to SQL (Bobby Iliev)
SQL knowledge is essential for anyone involved in programming, data science, and data management. This is an introduction to SQL that will help you learn the basics of SQL and start using relational databases for your SysOps, DevOps, and Dev projects.
SQL Performance Explained: Everything Developers Need to Know
Starting with the basics of indexing and the WHERE clause, this book guides developers through all parts of an SQL statement and explains the pitfalls of object-relational mapping (ORM) tools like Hibernate.
A Primer on SQL (Rahul Batra)
This book is an introduction to the basics of SQL. No prior experience with SQL is necessary, but some knowledge of working with computers in general is required. It is not intended as a reference work or for a full time database administrator.
SQL Queries Succinctly (Nick Harrison)
This book shows you how to craft queries in SQL, from basic CRUD statements and slicing and dicing the data, to applying filters and using aggregate functions to summarize the data, solving common problems, navigating hierarchical data, etc.
Essential SQL (Krzysztof Kowalczyk)
This book provides clear and concise explanation of topics for programmers both starting to learn the Structured Query Language (SQL) as well as those diving in more complex topics. Examples are linked to online playground that allows you to play with them.
Structured Query Language (WikiBooks)
This book provides a short description of SQL, its origins, basic concepts and components, and many examples. The book follows the specifications of the SQL:2011 standard developed by a common committee of ISO and IEC.
Transact-SQL: The Building Blocks to SQL Server Programming
This book will cover different aspects of the Transact SQL (TSQL) language. It takes the readers step by step through the TSQL language, one concept at a time. Each topic covers a particular aspect of TSQL with discussion and examples.
Learn T-SQL Querying (Pedro Lopes, et al)
The book will get you started with query processing fundamentals to help you write powerful, performant Transact-SQL (T-SQL) queries. You will then focus on query execution plans and learn how to leverage them for troubleshooting.
SQL Notes for Professionals
In this free book, experienced SQL developers all over the world share their favorite SQL techniques and features. Learning how to solve real-world problems will give you the skill and confidence to step up in your career.