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Scrum Checklists
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  • Title Scrum Checklists
  • Author(s) Sprint-IT
  • Publisher: (Nov 02, 2006 )
  • eBook PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

The book is not intended to teach the details of Scrum, and no book will replace intelligent team self-organization. Instead, this book was created to give trained teams confidence in accomplishing their first Sprints. The full list of topics is explained in an Overview page and tabs down the right edge give fast access to the colour-coded topics:

  • Checklist: Impediment Backlog (an innovation springing up in teams on both sides of the Atlantic)
  • Checklist: General Meeting (basic etiquette for teams moving out of adhoc or chaos processes)
  • Checklist: Estimation Meeting (creating the Product Backlog)
  • Checklist: Sprint Planning Part 1
  • Checklist: Sprint Planning Part 2
  • Checklist: Daily Meeting
  • Checklist: Sprint Review
  • Checklist: Sprint Retrospective
  • Scrum Roles
  • Scrum Artifacts

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