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Software Architecture
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  • Title Software Architecture
  • Author(s) A. Bijlsma, B.J. Heeren, E.E. Roubtsova, S. Stuurman
  • Publisher: Free Technology Academy, First edition (February 2011)
  • eBook HTML and PDF (162 Pages; 2.6MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

Software architecture is the discipline concerned with model-based description and analysis of software systems with a view to satisfying the (often contradictory) concerns of stakeholders. The software architecture of a system is a high-level description of its components and their interactions.

The central theme of this course book is balancing the concerns and requirements of stakeholders, combining these into an architecture proposal by employing known tactics and patterns, producing a description of the architecture that can be communicated and analysed, and evaluating the resulting architecture's qualities.

  • Enhance your skills to grow your career as a software architect
  • Design efficient software architectures using patterns and best practices
  • Learn how software architecture relates to an organization as well as software development methodology
About the Authors
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