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Supercomputers: Directions in Technology and Applications
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  • Title Supercomputers: Directions in Technology and Applications
  • Author(s) Computer Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, and Academy Industry Program, National Academy of Sciences
  • Publisher: National Academies Press (January 1, 1989)
  • Hardcover/Paperback 112 pages
  • eBook PDF Files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 0309040884
  • ISBN-13: 978-0309040884
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Book Description

Supercomputers are the ultimate engine of the information age. By generating and processing vast amounts of data with hitherto unparalleled speed, they make new activities in industrial research and product development possible.

Supercomputers explores commercial supercomputer applications today as well as those emerging from university laboratories. It outlines trends in the supercomputing technology into the near future, and also contributes to a growing debate on the roles of the public and private sectors in nurturing this vital technology.

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