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The Information Security Handbook
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  • Title The Information Security Handbook
  • Author(s) Darren Death
  • Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (December 8, 2017)
  • Paperback 330 pages
  • eBook PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1788478835
  • ISBN-13: 978-1788478830
  • ASIN: B00T3P4TA0
  • :

Book Description

Having an information security mechanism is one of the most crucial factors for any organization. Important assets of organization demand a proper risk management and threat model for security, and so information security concepts are gaining a lot of traction. This book starts with the concept of information security and shows you why it's important.

It then moves on to modules such as threat modeling, risk management, and mitigation. It also covers the concepts of incident response systems, information rights management, and more. Moving on, it guides you to build your own information security framework as the best fit for your organization. Toward the end, you'll discover some best practices that can be implemented to make your security framework strong.

This book is for security analysts and professionals who deal with security mechanisms in an organization. If you are looking for an end to end guide on information security and risk analysis with no prior knowledge of this domain, then this book is for you.

  • Learn to build your own information security framework, the best fit for your organization
  • Build on the concepts of threat modeling, incidence response, and security analysis
  • Practical use cases and best practices for information security
About the Authors
  • Darren Death is an information security professional living in the DC Metropolitan Area. During his 17-year technology career, he has supported the private and public sector at the local, state, and national levels.
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