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The Java Garbage Collection Mini-Book
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  • Title The Java Garbage Collection Mini-Book
  • Author(s) Charles Humble, Ben Evans, Alex Blewitt, Siben Nayak
  • Publisher: InfoQ (2015); FreeCodeCamp (2021)
  • Paperback: N/A
  • ebook HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

The Java Garbage Collection Mini-book provides a concise, accessible guide for Java architects and senior developers who want to understand what garbage collection is, how it works, and how it impacts the execution of their programs.

This book dives right into the details. Starting with an examination of the Java heap and pointers, safe-points, and generational collection, the book then explores each collector in turn, describing its memory structure, the basics of the algorithm, and its performance characteristics.

The collectors covered are:

  1. Serial, Parallel, CMS and G1 from the OpenJDK distributions
  2. Balanced and Metronome from IBM
  3. C4 from Azul Systems
  4. Red Hat's forthcoming Shenandoah

Later sections look at tuning, logging, and some programming techniques to produce less garbage.

About the Authors
  • Ben Evans is Principal Engineer & Architect for JVM Technologies at New Relic. Previously, he co-founded jClarity, a JVM performance optimization company (acquired by Microsoft in 2019).
  • Siben Nayak: Software Engineer at Intuit, ex-Amazon, Intel • Cloud Architect • Innovator and Builder • Blogger • Speaker • Love Coding and Building Distributed Systems
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