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The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX
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  • Title The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX
  • Author(s) Tobias Oetiker, Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna, and Elisabeth Schlegl
  • Publisher: Self-Publishing (2023); eBook (GNU General Public Licensed; Public Domain)
  • License(s): GNU General Public License; Public Domain
  • Hardcover/Paperback N/A
  • eBook PDF (298 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

This book shows you how to begin using LaTeX to create high-quality documents. The book also serves as a handy reference for all LaTeX users. In this completely revised edition, the authors cover the LaTeX2e standard and offer more details, examples, exercises, tips, and tricks. They go beyond the core installation to describe the key contributed packages that have become essential to LaTeX processing.

If you want to learn how to write your documents with LaTeX, this introduction is for you. It is not about setting up a LaTeX system. While it is not as comprehensive as Lamport's book, it should be sufficient in most cases.

About the Authors
  • N/A
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