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- Title Understanding Algebra
- Author(s) James W. Brennan
- Publisher:
- Hardcover/Paperback N/A
- eBook HTML and PDF (127 pages, 515 KB), and Kindle
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description
A brief overview of pre-algebra and introductory algebra topics, written in a style meant to give you the basic facts in a way that is easy to understand. This text is suitable for high-school Algebra I, as a refresher for college students who need help preparing for college-level mathematics, or for anyone who wants to learn introductory algebra.
About the Authors- Jacob Lurie is a professor at Department of Mathematics, Harvard University, Cambridge.
- Elementry and High School Mathematics
- Algebra, Abstract Algebra, and Linear Algebra
- Mathematical and Computational Software
- Number Theory
- Mathematics