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Vi iMproved - Vim
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  • Title Vi iMproved - Vim
  • Author(s) Steve Oualline
  • Publisher: Sams; 1 edition (April 21, 2001)
  • Hardcover/Paperback: 624 pages
  • eBook: PDF, 527 pages, 3.7 MB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0735710015
  • ISBN-13: 978-0735710016
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Book Description

Real Linux users don't use GUIs. No matter how popular, slick and sophisticated the interfaces become for Linux and UNIX, you'll always need to be able to navigate in a text editor. The vi editor is the original standard UNIX full screen editor. It's been around almost since UNIX began and it has changed very little. To get around the limitations of vi the people at Bram Moolenaar created the Vim editor (the name stand for VI iMproved).

It contains many more features than the old vi editor including: help, multiple windows, syntax highlighting, programmer support, and HTML support. All of the books published to date focus on vi alone not the expanded vim shipping with every major Linux distribution. In true New Riders' form, the vim reference will be a definitive, concise reference for the professional Linux user and developer.

This book takes a task oriented approach allowing you to learn only the vi commands that make your job easier.

About the Authors
  • Steve Qualline is the author of many programming and Linux related books. He is a professional software engineer, author, and educator. Currently, he works for a large software company as a quality engineer devising ways to improve the quality and reliability of the code produced by their programmers. He is also an avid blimp enthusiast as well as a volunteer steam locomotive engineer on the Poway-Midland Railroad.
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