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Your Scrum Checklist: Scrum Hard Facts
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  • Title Your Scrum Checklist: Scrum Hard Facts
  • Author(s) von Boris Gloger
  • Publisher: (August 11, 2010)
  • Paperback 32 pages
  • eBook Online, PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-000-32112-2
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Book Description

Scrum is a framework with simple rules. Scrum Checklists will help you to remember these simple rules in the heat of daily work and stress. Scrum Checklists enable you to create an enjoyable and productive work environment with your Scrum-Team.

This booklet includes checklists for:

  • General meeting rules
  • Estimation Meeting
  • Sprint Planning - Part I and II
  • Daily Scrum
  • Taskboard, Flow, Charts, Roles and Artefacts
  • Sprint Review
  • Sprint Retrospective
  • Large Scale Scrum rules
  • Scaled Sprint Planning I and II
  • Product Owner Daily Scrum
  • Scrum of Scrums
About the Authors
  • N/A

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