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DB2 Database
Related Book Categories:
  • DB2 Database Fundamentals (Neeraj Sharma, et al)

    Learn the basics of relational database theory and other information models. This book discusses database logical and physical design, and introduces you to the SQL language. Practice with hands-on exercises!

  • Getting Started with DB2 Application Development

    This book is intended for anyone who works with or intends to develop database applications such as application developers, consultants, software architects, instructors, and students, is closely related to the eBook Getting Started with DB2 Express-C.

  • Getting Started with DB2 Express-C (Raul F. Chong)

    Find out what DB2 Express-C is all about. Understand DB2 architecture, tools, security. Learn how to administer DB2 databases. Write SQL, XQuery, stored procedures. Develop database applications for DB2.

  • Getting Started with Data Warehousing (Neeraj Sharma, et al)

    This book is for enthusiasts of data warehousing who have limited exposure to databases and would like to learn data warehousing concepts end-to-end. Learn what Data Warehousing is all about and practice using hands-on exercises.

  • DB2 Express-C: The Developer Handbook (Whei-Jen Chen, et al)

    This book provides fundamentals of DB2 application development with DB2 Express-C, covers the DB2 Express-C installation and configuration for application development and skills and techniques for building DB2 applications with XML, PHP, C/C++, Java, and .NET.

  • MySQL to DB2 Conversion Guide (Whei-Jen Chen, et al)

    This book is an informative guide that describes how to convert the database system from MySQL to DB2 on Linux and the steps that are involved in enabling the applications to use DB2 instead of MySQL.

  • Getting started with InfoSphere Data Architect (Erin Wilson, et al)

    This book is for beginners in InfoSphere Data Architect (IDA), and also in data modeling, to learn how to use it in conjunction with DB2 Express-C, the no-charge edition of DB2. Since IDA is built on top of Eclipse, you can integrate it easily with other tools.

  • Getting started with IBM Data Studio for DB2 (Debra Eaton, et al)

    IBM Data Studio is an Eclipse-based tool that is the replacement of the DB2 Control Center and other tools for DB2. In conjunction with DB2 Express-C, the no-charge edition of DB2, Data Studio is ideal for DBAs, developers, students, ISVs, or consultants because it's easy and free to use.

  • Getting started with pureQuery (Vitor Rodrigues, et al)

    pureQuery is a new data access platform from IBM that simplifies and optimizes applications that access data. This book teaches you how to take advantage of pureQuery in your Java or .NET applications in conjunction with DB2 Express-C, the no-charge edition of DB2.

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