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Getting started with IBM Data Studio for DB2
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  • Title: Getting started with IBM Data Studio for DB2
  • Author(s) Debra Eaton, Vitor Rodrigues, Manoj K. Sardana, Michael Schenker, Kathryn Zeidenstein, Raul F. Chong
  • Publisher: IBM Corporation (June 2009)
  • eBook: PDF, 301 pages, 6.92 MB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

IBM Data Studio is an Eclipse-based tool that is the replacement of the DB2 Control Center and other tools for DB2. In conjunction with DB2 Express-C, the no-charge edition of DB2, Data Studio is ideal for DBAs, developers, students, ISVs, or consultants because it's easy and free to use. You can extend Data Studio with additional robust management and development capabilities from IBM to help accelerate solution delivery, optimize performance, protect data privacy, manage data growth, and more.

Getting started with IBM Data Studio couldn't be easier. Read this free ebook to:

  • Find out what IBM Data Studio can do for you
  • Learn everyday data management tasks
  • Back up and recover DB2 databases
  • Write and debug SQL stored procedures and routines
  • Convert existing SQL or procedures to Web services
  • Learn more about integrated data management
  • Practice using hands-on exercises
About the Authors
  • Debra Eaton is a software information technology specialist with IBM's Central North Technical Sales Team in Chicago.
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