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A Technical History of Apple's Operating Systems
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  • Title A Technical History of Apple's Operating Systems
  • Author(s) Amit Singh
  • Publisher(s): and
  • Hardcover/Paperback: N/A
  • eBook: PDF (146 pages, 3.3 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ASIN: N/A
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Book Description

These documents discuss operating systems that Apple has created in the past, and many that it tried to create. Through this discussion, we will come across several technologies the confluence of which eventually led to Mac OS X. An important goal of the discussion is to better understand the reasons, and if possible, the rationale behind Mac OS X and its important components.

They encompass not only Mac OS X and its relevant ancestors, but the various operating systems that Apple has dabbled with since the company's inception, and many other systems that were direct or indirect sources of inspiration.

About the Authors
  • Amit Singh is an operating systems researcher, programmer, and author. He manages the Macintosh engineering team at Google. Previously, Amit has worked on operating systems at IBM Research, Bell Laboratories, and a Silicon Valley startup doing cutting-edge work in the area of virtualization. He also created and maintains and Amit often writes and releases open source software, such as MacFUSE, a Mac OS X implementation of the FUSE (File System in USEr Space) mechanism.
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