Links to Free Computer, Mathematics, Technical Books all over the World
Linux with Operating System Concepts (Richard Fox)
This book merges conceptual operating system (OS) and Unix/Linux topics into one cohesive textbook for undergraduate students, covers Linux from both the user and system administrator positions.
Kali Linux Revealed: Mastering the Penetration Testing Distribution
Kali Linux has not only become the information security professional's platform of choice, but evolved into an industrial-grade, and world-class operating system distribution--mature, secure, and enterprise-ready.
Linux Basics for Hackers: Networking, Scripting, and Security in Kali
Uses the Kali Linux distribution to teach Linux basics with a focus on how hackers would use them. Topics include Linux command line basics, filesystems, networking, BASH basics, package management, logging, and the Linux kernel and drivers.
Linux Fundamentals (Paul Cobbaut)
This book provides a soft, accessible, and practical introduction to Linux environments and command line basics, from a basic approach to Linux to a more advanced server-oriented look at using Linux.
Linux for Beginners (Jason Cannon)
This book discusses the ins and outs of Linux in a beginner friendly style to make your learning process frustration free, includes Command Line, Programming and Operating System, as the book does not assume you know anything about Linux.
Just Enough Linux (Malcolm Maclean)
This book aims at getting you comfortable with some of the commands used in Linux. If you've toyed with Linux and never really caught on to what's happening or have used a graphical interface without really touching the command line this book is for you.
Introduction to Embedded Linux: Lab Instructions (TTO)
A real-world hands-on guide to building efficient, high-value, embedded systems with Linux. You'll learn how to build a modern, efficient embedded Linux development environment, and then utilize it as productively as possible.
Embedded Linux System Development: Practical Labs (Bootlin)
Get your hands on an embedded board based on an ARM processor, and apply what you learned to implement real-time requirements so that you can quickly turn your ideas into a working prototype!
Embedded Linux (Karim Yaghmour)
There's a great deal of excitement surrounding the use of Linux in embedded systems - but not a lot of practical information. This book offers an in-depth, hard-core guide to putting together embedded systems based on Linux.
Building Embedded Linux Systems (Karim Yaghmour)
This book is the hard-core guide to putting together an embedded system based on the Linux kernel, gives you the basics of building embedded Linux systems, along with the configuration, setup, and use open source and free software packages.
The Linux Command Handbook (Flavio Copes)
This book covers 60 core Bash commands you will need as a developer. Each command includes example code and tips for when to use it, follows the 80/20 rule: you'll learn 80% of a topic in around 20% of the time you spend studying it.
Ten Steps to Linux Survival: Navigating the Bash Jungle
Provides proven steps and strategies on learning what Linux is and how to use it. It contains information on the Linux Operating System, especially for beginners, leads you through some diagnostic and recovery tasks so you can quickly get your site back up.
LINUX: Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition (Paul Sheer)
This book is the best book on the market in terms of flattening that learning curve of Linux. It tries to inculcate its readers into the Linux way of thinking. No matter what kind of Linux systems you're using, it presents the techniques you need to succeed.
Linux Inside (0xAX)
This is a book about the linux kernel and its insides. The goal to share modest knowledge about the insides of the linux kernel and help people who are interested in linux kernel insides, and other low-level subject matter.
Knowing Knoppix: The Beginner's Guide To Linux (Phil Jones, et al)
Knoppix is an astoundingly clever product. It runs Linux completely from CD. It bypasses all the software already installed on your PC or laptop. This book is a beginner-friendly book designed to help with these situations: You can't start Windows!
Linux From Scratch (Gerard Beekmans, et al)
It's a set of books that provides you with step-by-step instructions for building your own customized Linux system entirely from source, the ultimate hands-on Linux user guide, whether you're a true beginner or a more advanced user navigating recent changes.
The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction (W. E. Shotts)
This book takes you from your very first terminal keystrokes to writing full programs in Bash, the most popular Linux shell. Along the way you'll learn the timeless skills handed down by generations of gray-bearded, mouse-shunning gurus.
Conquering the Command Line: Unix and Linux for Developers
You will find not only the most useful command line tools for Unix and Linux based systems you need to know, but also the most helpful options and flags for those tools. It makes you instantly more productive in your daily development life.
Step-by-Step Linux Guide (M. B. G. Suranga De Silva)
This ebook describes the system administration aspects of using Linux and is intended for people who know nothing about system administration. This Linux ebook doesn't tell you how to install Linux since it is very straight forward but it gives you real world mail, DNS, proxy, web, messaging etc server installations and configurations.
O'Reilly® Linux Kernel in a Nutshell (Greg Kroah-Hartman)
Written by a leading developer and maintainer of the Linux kernel,this bookl is a comprehensive overview of kernel configuration and building, a critical task for Linux users and administrators.
Linux Client Migration Cookbook: Migrating to Desktop Linux
The goal of this book is to provide a technical planning reference for IT organizations large or small that are now considering a migration to Linux-based personal computers. It includes some technical "how-to" as well.
Linux 101 Hacks - Examples to Build a Strong Fundation in Linux
There are total of 101 hacks in this book that will help you build a strong foundation in Linux. All the hacks are explained with appropriate Linux command examples that are easy to follow.
CentOS Stream Essentials (Neil Smyth)
This book is designed to provide detailed information on the installation, use, and administration of the CentOS distribution, covers topics such as operating system installation, the basics of the GNOME desktop environment, etc.
Rocky Linux 9 Essentials (Neil Smyth)
This book is designed to provide detailed information on the installation, use, and administration of the Rocky Linux distribution, covers topics such as operating system installation, the basics of the GNOME desktop environment, etc.
Ubuntu Essentials: A Guide to Ubuntu Desktop and Server
This book is designed to provide detailed information on the installation, use and administration of the Ubuntu distribution. It covers topics for both beginners and experienced users.
Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference (Keir Thomas)
This book is an indispensable and concise guide to Ubuntu, read by over half a million people! It quickly transforms its readers into experts, describes the highways of the Ubuntu filesystem, and gives a full run-down of the Ubuntu file manager.
Into the Core: A look at Tiny Core Linux (Lauri Kasanen, et al)
This book covers Tiny Core Linux (TCL) from start to finish. The concepts are explained in detail, from usage details to internals, ending up with several example projects. It mainly targets those with some familiarity with Linux, with no fear of the command line.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Essentials (Neil Smyth)
This book is designed to provide detailed information on the installation, use and administration of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution. For beginners, the book covers topics for both beginners and experienced users.
The SELinux Notebook, 4th Edition (Richard Haines)
If you want an effective means of securing your Linux system (and who doesn't?), this book provides the means. This best-known and most respected security-related extension to Linux embodies the key advances of the security field.
Learning Old School Linux (Ed Hartnett)
Linux has long been regarded by engineers as the superior operating system. If you are looking for a simple, basic overview of everything Linux-related, look no further than this compilation of articles written for ComputorEdge magazine from 2003-2010.
Bodhi Linux 3 for Beginners (Roger Carter)
Based on the popular Ubuntu operating system, Bodhi Linux 3 incorporates the latest version of the elegant Enlightenment desktop manager. This book explains in easy steps how to install Bodhi Linux on your computer, how to customize and use it, etc.
Step-by-Step Guide to Bodhi Linux (Roger Carter)
This book is suitable for anyone migrating to Linux from Windows, and explains in easy steps how to install Bodhi Linux on your computer, how to customize and use it, and how to install a range of recommended applications.
Linux Mint Essentials (Jay LaCroix)
This book is an all-inclusive guide to Linux Mint, and will teach you everything you need to know in order to use a Linux Mint system. It guide walks the reader through installing and maintaining Linux Mint on a personal computer.
Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide
This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter.
Linux Succinctly (Jason Cannon)
This book will teach you the basics of interacting with Linux, such as viewing and editing files and directories through the command line, and how to modify permissions. More advanced topics covered include I/O streams, sorting and comparing files and directories, and installing additional software.
Getting Started with Ubuntu (The Ubuntu Manual Team)
This free book is a complete beginners manual for Ubuntu, featuring comprehensive guides, How Tos and information on anything you need to know after first installing Ubuntu.
Linux Quick Fix Notebook (Peter Harrison)
This books includes many of the most commonly encountered errors with explanations of their causes and how to fix them. The book's format is aimed at sys admins who often have to do advanced tasks in which the underlying theory is understood,
Self-Service Linux - Mastering the Art of Problem Determination
A book that advanced Linux professionals running their own Linux systems will be able to use to troubleshoot, an essential part of every company's Linux adoption plan to keep the total cost of ownership (TCO)down and improve the ROI of their Linux strategy.
Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux Systems Up To Date
This book is the first start-to-finish guide to patching Linux systems in production environments. It presents patching solutions for Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE, Debian, and other distributions, covers both distribution-specific tools and widely used tools.
User Mode Linux (Jeff Dike)
This book covers everything from getting started through running enterprise-class User Mode Linux servers. You'll find authoritative advice on bootup, compilation, administration, specialized configurations, and much more.
The Daemon, the Gnu, and the Penguin (Peter H. Salus)
In addition to covering a history of free and open source, This book explores how free and open software is changing the world. The author interviewed well over a hundred key figures to document the history and background of free and open source software.
Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager (Mel Gorman)
This book is unique in that not only does it describe the Linux Memory Manager itself in unprecedented detail, it also includes the theoretical foundations for both developers and students but has been omitted from recent Linux kernel related material.
The Linux Development Platform (Rafeeq Ur Rehman, et al)
This book describes how to build a development environment based upon Linux systems. It provides a one-stop reference on all the tools used by the Open Source community for development purposes.
Managing Linux Systems with Webmin: System Administration
This book explains how to use the most popular Webmin modules to perform common administration tasks on a Linux system such as adding users, configuring Apache, setting up NFS file sharing and managing the Sendmail mail server.
Linux Appliance Design: A Hands-On Guide (Bob Smith, et al)
This book shows how to build better appliances - appliances with more types of interfaces, more dynamic interfaces, and better debugged interfaces. You'll learn how to build backend daemons, handle asynchronous events, and connect various user interfaces.
Linux 101 Examination Modular Training Notes (Andrew McGill)
This book is based on the objectives for the Linux Professionals Institute's LPI 101 examination. It covers key Linux administration topics and all exam objectives and includes real-world examples and review questions to help you practice your skills.
Linux 102 Examination Modular Training Notes (Andrew McGill)
This book is based on the objectives for the Linux Professionals Institute's LPI 102 examination. It covers Linux installation and package management, The Linux kernel, Text editing, processing, and printing, Shells, scripting, programming, and compiling, etc.
Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC) Examination Guide
This book is a collection of self-study articles and tutorials to help you learn Linux fundamentals and prepare for system administrator certification.
Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide
This book presents wireless pentesting from the ground up, introducing all elements of penetration testing with each new technology. Learn various wireless testing methodologies by example, from the basics of wireless routing to detailed coverage.
The Debian Administrator's Handbook (Raphael Hertzog, et al)
Accessible to all, this book teaches the essentials to anyone who wants to become an effective and independent Debian GNU/Linux administrator. It covers all the topics that a competent Linux administrator should master.
O'Reilly® Ubuntu Hacks: Tips/Tools for Exploring, Using Linux
This is your one-stop source for all of the community knowledge you need to get the most out of Ubuntu: a collection of 100 tips and tools to help new and experienced Linux users install, configure, and customize Ubuntu.
CentOS 6 Essentials (Neil Smyth)
This book is designed to provide detailed information on the use and administration of the CentOS 6 Linux distribution.
Programming Linux Games (John R. Hall and Loki Software)
This book is a complete guide to developing Linux games, written by the Linux gaming experts. It discusses important multimedia toolkits and teaches the basics of Linux game programming.
Linux in the Workplace: How to Use Linux in Your Workplace (SSC)
This book introduces Linux users to the desktop capabilities of Linux and the K Desktop Environment (KDE) graphical user interface, a powerful Open Source graphical desktop environment for UNIX workstations.
O'Reilly® Learning Debian GNU/Linux (Bill McCarty)
This book takes the reader step by step through the process of installing and setting up a Debian system, and provides a thorough but gentle introduction to the basics of using Debian GNU/Linux.
O'Reilly® Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition (Jonathan Corbet)
The 3rd edition of Linux Device Drivers is better than ever. The book covers all the significant changes to Version 2.6 of the Linux kernel, which simplifies many activities, and contains subtle new features.
O'Reilly® Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition (Alessandro Rubini, et al)
This book is for anyone who wants to support computer peripherals under the Linux operating system or who wants to develop new hardware and run it under Linux.
Slackware Linux Essentials, 2nd Edition (Alan Hicks, et al)
This Book is designed to get you started with Slackware Linux operating system. It`s not meant to cover every single aspect of the distribution, but rather to show what it is capable of and give you a basic working knowledge of the system.
Ubuntu 10.x Essentials (Neil Smyth)
The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of the essential knowledge required to use and maintain an Ubuntu system.
Securing and Optimizing Linux: The Hacking Solution (v.3.0)
This 800+ page eBook is intended for a technical audience and system administrators who manage Linux servers, but it also includes material for home users and others. It discusses how to install and setup a Linux server with all the necessary security and optimization for a high performance Linux specific machine.
CentOS Essentials (Neil Smyth)
This is a book designed to provide detailed information on the use and administration of the CentOS Linux distribution. It's for both beginners and experienced user, covers together with all the important topics.
Linux Sound (Jan Newmarch)
This book demystifies the Linux audio system set-up, describes basic and advanced use of the system, and profiles the broad range of sound and music applications and development software available for Linux.
O'Reilly® Test Driving Linux: From Windows to Linux in 60 Seconds
This book is a detailed step-by-step guide to the Linux operating system and several popular open source programs. It provides both home and business users with a hassle-free way to investigate this operating system before they purchase and install a complete Linux distribution.
O'Reilly® Linux in a Windows World (Roderick W. Smith)
Linux's the main alternative to Unix and Microsoft Windows operating systems. This book takes an in-depth look at exactly how Linux can be brought into an organization that's currently based on Microsoft Windows systems.
The Linux Web Server CD Bookshelf - 6 Bestselling Books
This collection delivers more than 3,600 pages of easily searchable information in a convenient format accessible from any web browser. You'll find the latest editions of these books.
The Networking CD Bookshelf, Version 2.0 - 7 Bestselling Books
There are seven best-selling TCP/IP networking guides packed. It references and tutorials -- fully searchable and cross-referenced, so you can search either the individual index for each book or the master index for the entire collection.
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