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Absolute FreeBSD: The Complete Guide to FreeBSD, 2nd Edition
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  • Title: Absolute FreeBSD: The Complete Guide to FreeBSD, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s) Michael W. Lucas
  • Publisher: No Starch Press; 2 edition (November 14, 2007)
  • Paperback: 744 pages
  • eBook: PDF (745 Pages, 7.1 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1593271514
  • ISBN-13: 978-1593271510
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Book Description

This book is your complete guide to FreeBSD, written by FreeBSD committer Michael W. Lucas. Lucas considers this completely revised and rewritten second edition of his landmark work to be his best work ever; a true product of his love for FreeBSD and the support of the FreeBSD community.

It covers installation, networking, security, network services, system performance, kernel tweaking, filesystems, SMP, upgrading, crash debugging, and much more, including coverage of how to:

  • Use advanced security features like packet filtering, virtual machines, and host-based intrusion detection
  • Build custom live FreeBSD CDs and bootable flash
  • Manage network services and filesystems
  • Use DNS and set up email, IMAP, web, and FTP services for both servers and clients
  • Monitor your system with performance-testing and troubleshooting tools
  • Run diskless systems
  • Manage schedulers, remap shared libraries, and optimize your system for your hardware and your workload
  • Build custom network appliances with embedded FreeBSD
  • Implement redundant disks, even without special hardware
  • Integrate FreeBSD-specific SNMP into your network management system.

Whether you're just getting started with FreeBSD or you've been using it for years, you'll find this book to be the definitive guide to FreeBSD that you've been waiting for.

About the Authors
  • Michael W. Lucas is a network/security engineer with extensive experience working with high-availability systems. He is the author of the critically acclaimed Absolute BSD, Absolute OpenBSD, Cisco Routers for the Desperate, and PGP & GPG, all from No Starch Press.
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