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CS for All: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python
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  • Title: CS for All: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python
  • Authors Christine Alvarado, Zachary Dodds, Geoff Kuenning, Ran Libeskind-Hadas
  • Publisher: Franklin, Beedle & Associates Inc. (August 5, 2019); eBook (Harvey Mudd College)
  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • eBook: HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1590282906
  • ISBN-13: 978-1590282908
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Book Description

Here's a unique approach to Intro CS. In a nutshell, the objective is to provide an introduction to computer science as an intellectually rich and vibrant field rather than focusing exclusively on computer programming. While programming is certainly an important and pervasive element of the approach, this book emphasizes concepts and problem-solving over syntax and programming language features.

The objective is to provide an introduction to computer science as an intellectually rich and vibrant field rather than focusing exclusively on computer programming. While programming is certainly an important and pervasive element of our approach, we emphasize concepts and problem-solving over syntax and programming language features.

The emphasis on problem-solving and big ideas is evident beginning in the introductory chapter, where we describe a very simple programming language for controlling the virtual 'Picobot' robot. The syntax takes ten minutes to master but the computational problems posed here are deep and intriguing.

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