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Computer and Network Organization
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  • Title: Computer and Network Organization
  • Author(s) Maarten van Steen, Henk Sips
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1st edition (December 1995)
  • Paperback: 542 pages
  • eBook: PDF (560 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 013382425X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0133824254
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Book Description

This book introduces the technical principles of computer architecture, operating systems and computer networks and provides a practical overview. Contrary to many other introductory texts which tell what computer systems and networks do, this innovative book explains how these systems actually work.

It explains how the interaction between hardware and software takes place in relation to network operating systems and demonstrates where programming languages and compilers fit into the development process of computer and network systems. Simplified examples of programs (written in 68000 assembly language and a small subset of Ada) illustrate how things actually work.

It discusses existing network technology such as the Internet and WWW and includes numerous exercises, examples, summaries and suggestions for further reading. Additional material about the book is available via a web page, and all drawings and figures are electronically available. Supplements: Solutions and Additional Exercises available via URL

This exciting new book focuses on the basic techniques that underlie computers, operating systems and networks. Under one cover, this book includes a discussion of operating systems and networks. Also includes chapter ends with a number of exercises and suggestions for further reading.

Illustrative examples are included throughout the book. Also includes programming examples of low level software and are illustrated in 6800 assembly language and Ada showing the interaction between hardwre and software in practice.

About the Authors
  • Maarten van Steen is a professor at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam where he teaches operating systems, computer networks, and distributed systems. He has also given various highly successful courses on computer systems related subjects to ICT professionals from industry and governmental organizations.
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