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Data, Syntax and Semantics: An Introduction to Modelling Programming Languages
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  • Title: Data, Syntax and Semantics: An Introduction to Modelling Programming Languages
  • Author(s) J. V. Tucker, K. Stephenson
  • Publisher: University of Wales Swansea (2006)
  • Hardcover/Paperback: N/A
  • eBook: PDF (840 pages, 9.1 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A

Book Description

This book is an introduction to the mathematical theory of programming languages. It is in tended to provide a first course, one that is suitable for all university students of Computer Science to take early in their education.

The book con tains much basic mathematical material on data, syntax and semantics. There are some seemingly advanced features and contemporary topics that may not be common in the elementary textbook literature: data types and their algebraic theory, real numbers, interface definition languages, algebraic models of abstract syntax, use of algebraic operational seman tics, connections with computability theory, virtual machines and compiler correctness.

About the Authors
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