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Designing Web Services with the J2EE™ 1.4 Platform: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies
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  • Title Designing Web Services with the J2EE™ 1.4 Platform: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies
  • Author(s) Inderjeet Singh, Sean Brydon, Greg Murray, Vijay Ramachandran, Thierry Violleau, Beth Stearns
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall (June 19, 2004)
  • Paperback 464
  • eBook HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0321205219
  • ISBN-13: 978-0321205216
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Book Description

Written by Sun Microsystems' Java BluePrints team, Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform is the authoritative guide to the best practices for designing and integrating enterprise-level Web services using the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4. This book provides the guidelines, patterns, and real-world examples architects and developers need in order to shorten the learning curve and start building robust, scalable, and portable solutions.

The authors use the Java Adventure Builder application to bring the design process to life and help illustrate the use of Java APIs for XML Processing (JAXP), Java APIs for XML-Based RPC (JAX-RPC), and other Web service and Java-XML technologies.

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