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RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0: Designing and Developing Distributed Web Services
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  • Title RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0: Designing and Developing Distributed Web Services
  • Author(s) Bill Burke
  • Publisher:O'Reilly Media, 2 edition; eBook (GitBook, 2015)
  • Paperback 392 pages
  • eBook HTML and PDF (661 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 144936134X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1449361341
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Book Description

Learn how to design and develop distributed web services in Java, using RESTful architectural principles and the JAX-RS 2.0 specification in Java EE 7. By focusing on implementation rather than theory, this hands-on reference demonstrates how easy it is to get started with services based on the REST architecture.

With the book's technical guide, you'll learn how REST and JAX-RS work and when to use them. The RESTEasy workbook that follows provides step-by-step instructions for installing, configuring, and running several working JAX-RS examples, using the JBoss RESTEasy implementation of JAX-RS 2.0.

  • Learn JAX-RS 2.0 features, including a client API, server-side asynchronous HTTP, and filters and interceptors
  • Examine the design of a distributed RESTful interface for an e-commerce order entry system
  • Use the JAX-RS Response object to return complex responses to your client (ResponseBuilder)
  • Increase the performance of your services by leveraging HTTP caching protocols
  • Deploy and integrate web services within Java EE7, servlet containers, EJB, Spring, and JPA
  • Learn popular mechanisms to perform authentication on the Web, including client-side SSL and OAuth 2.0
About the Authors
  • Bill Burke is a Fellow at the JBoss division of REd Hat Inc. A long time JBoss contributor and architect, his current project is RESTEasy, RESTful Web Services for Java.
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