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Firewalls Complete
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  • Title: Firewalls Complete
  • Author(s) Marcus Goncalves
  • Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill Osborne Media (February 1998)
  • Hardcover/Paperback: 622 pages
  • eBook: PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0070246459
  • ISBN-13: 978-0070246454
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Book Description

What's the best way to ensure Internet security? With firewalls. And the best way to learn firewall installation and maintenance from A to Z? This info-packed guide covers virtually all firewall techniques, technologies, and brands - and even includes a blueprint for designing your own.

This book gives you 100% of what you need to deliver fully functional applications quickly. You get complete coverage of technical issues, from experts who understand the problems you must solve.

About the Authors
  • Marcus Goncalves is a System Manager for Process Software Corp., one of the leaders in Web server technologies and TCP/IP solutions. He has taught workshops and seminars on information systems and Internet security in the U.S. and internationally.
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