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Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker
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  • Title: Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker
  • Author(s) William R. Cheswick (Author), Steven M. Bellovin (Author)
  • Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional (April 30, 1994); eBook (Online Edition)
  • License(s): For personal use only.
  • Paperback: 454 pages
  • eBook: PDF Files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0785342634662
  • ISBN-13: 978-0201634662
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Book Description

This book gives invaluable advice and practical tools for protecting our computers. You will learn how to plan and execute a security strategy that will thwart the most determined and sophisticated of hackers, while still allowing your company easy access to Internet services.

In particular, the authors show step-by-step how to set up a "firewall" gateway - a dedicated computer equipped with safeguards that acts as a single, more easily defended, Internet connection. They even include a description of their most recent gateway, the tools they used to build it, and the hacker attacks they devised to test it.

In addition, there is vital information on cryptography, a description of the tools used by hackers, and the legal implications of computer security. With Firewalls and Internet Security, anyone will be well equipped to provide their organization with effective protection from the wily Internet hacker.

These authors are both well-known senior researchers at AT&T Bell Labs, and this book is based on their actual experiences maintaining, improving, and redesigning AT&T's Internet gateway. They show why the most popular technologies for keeping intruders out are insufficient, while providing a step-by-step guide to their solution--building firewall gateways.

About the Authors
  • William R. Cheswick ( is Chief Scientist at Lumeta Corporation, which explores and maps clients' network infrastructures and finds perimeter leaks.
  • Steven M. Bellovin ( is a Fellow at AT&T Labs Research, where he works on networks, security, and, especially, why the two don't get along.
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