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Foundations of Signal Processing
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  • Title: Foundations of Signal Processing
  • Author(s) Martin Vetterli, Jelena Kovacevic, and Vivek K Goyal
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (October 20, 2014)
  • Hardcover: 738 pagesA
  • eBook: PDF (677 pages, 12.5 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 110703860X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1107038608
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Book Description

This comprehensive and engaging textbook introduces the basic principles and techniques of signal processing, from the fundamental ideas of signals and systems theory to real-world applications. Students are introduced to the powerful foundations of modern signal processing, including the basic geometry of Hilbert space, the mathematics of Fourier transforms, and essentials of sampling, interpolation, approximation and compression.

The authors discuss real-world issues and hurdles to using these tools, and ways of adapting them to overcome problems of finiteness and localization, the limitations of uncertainty, and computational costs.

It includes over 160 homework problems and over 220 worked examples, specifically designed to test and expand students' understanding of the fundamentals of signal processing, and is accompanied by extensive online materials designed to aid learning, including Mathematica resources and interactive demonstrations.

Together with Fourier and Wavelet Signal Processing (to be published by CUP), the two books aim to present the essential principles in signal processing along with mathematical tools and algorithms for signal representation. They comprehensively cover both classical Fourier techniques and newer basis constructions from filter banks and multiresolution analysis wavelets. Furthermore, they gives a synthetic view from basic mathematical principles, to construction of bases, all the way to concrete applications.

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