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How to Be a Motivational Manager: An Essential Guide for Leaders and Managers
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  • Title How to Be a Motivational Manager: An Essential Guide for Leaders and Managers Who Need to Get Fast Results with Minimum Stress
  • Author(s) Alan Fairweather
  • Publisher: How To Books Ltd (May 15, 2008)
  • Paperback: 232 pages
  • eBook: PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1845282256
  • ISBN-13: 978-1845282257
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Book Description

This book is a down-to-earth guide for managers and team leaders. It reveals how to motivate your team, get results and do it in the easiest, least stressful way possible.

It's written by Alan Fairweather who did the job of a middle manager - and did it effectively - for fifteen years. He now helps others do it on a daily basis through his seminars and workshops. Alan knows the real challenges that managers and team leaders face every day with their people. He's used the "3 Secrets of Motivation" described in this book. They worked for him and they'll work for you.

You'll discover how to: pick the right people and communicate what's expected of them; reduce absence from work, reduce staff turnover and the time spent on resolving staff issues; deal with difficult team members; and, develop a highly motivated team who increase customer satisfaction, boost sales and make a positive contribution to the business.

About the Authors
  • Alan Fairweather, The Motivation Doctor, has for the past thirteen years been turning 'adequate' managers and team leaders into consistent top performers. After a successful career as a manager he founded his business in 1993. Based in Edinburgh, UK he works with people and organisations in consulting, speaking and running training programmes in the UK and Asia. He specialises in how to motivate people at work so that they deliver business results.
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