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Project Management Made Easy
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  • Title Project Management Made Easy
  • Author(s) Sid Kemp
  • Publisher: Entrepreneur Press; 1 edition (April 7, 2006)
  • Paperback 304 pages
  • eBook PDF, 272 pages, 1.9 MB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1932531777
  • ISBN-13: 978-1932531770
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Book Description

Are you so busy putting out fires in your business that you don't have time to build your dreams? Put down the fire extinguisher for as long as it takes to read this book, and you'll emerge with a feeling of control you haven't experienced since you started your business.

This book helps you plan for and react to every challenge, opportunity and problem facing your business - tasks as diverse as opening a new location, developing an ad campaign, hiring new staff and more.

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