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Jan Newmarch's Guide to JINI Technologies
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  • Title Jan Newmarch's Guide to JINI Technologies
  • Author(s) Jan Newmarch
  • Publisher: (February 13, 2000)
  • Paperback N/A
  • eBook Online, HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
  • ASIN:N/A
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Book Description

To understand Jini, imagine that you could move to a new office across the world or check into any hoteland could simply plug your notebook or Palm directly into the local network. Your device would immediately be recognized, and you would have access to the services at that locationtransparently. Jini is Sun's Java-based technology, with potential to make transparent "universal plug and play" a reality.

This is the perfect guide for any Java programmer interested in learning and applying Jini toward their respective network applications (any Java-enabled device interoperable with another Java-enabled device).

About the Authors
  • Jan Newmarch is Head of Higher Education (ICT), Box Hill Institute, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of IT, Monash University, and Adjunct Lecturer, School of Computing and Mathematics Charles Sturt University. He is a well-known figure in the Java and Jini community, and is author of the best-known online tutorial on Jini.
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