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TCP/IP Sockets in Java, Second Edition: Practical Guide for Programmers
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  • Title TCP/IP Sockets in Java, Second Edition: Practical Guide for Programmers
  • Author(s) Kenneth L. Calvert, Michael J. Donahoo
  • Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann; 2 edition (February 22, 2008)
  • Paperback: 192 pages
  • eBook: PDF (193 pages, 3.2 MB)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0123742552
  • ISBN-13: 978-0123742551
  • ASIN:N/A
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Book Description

Most Internet applications use sockets to implement network communication protocols. This book's focused, tutorial-based approach helps the reader master the tasks and techniques essential to virtually all client-server projects using sockets in Java.

The networking capabilities of the Java platform have been extended considerably since the first edition of the book. This new edition covers version 1.5-1.7, the most current iterations, as well as making the following improvements:

The API (application programming interface) reference sections in each chapter, which describe the relevant parts of each class, have been replaced with (i) a summary section that lists the classes and methods used in the code, and (ii) a gotchas section that mentions nonobvious or poorly-documented aspects of the objects.

In addition, the book covers several new classes and capabilities introduced in the last few revisions of the Java platform. New abstractions to be covered include NetworkInterface, InterfaceAddress, Inet4/6Address, SocketAddress/InetSocketAddress, Executor, and others; extended access to low-level network information; support for IPv6; more complete access to socket options; and scalable I/O. The example code is also modified to take advantage of new language features such as annotations, enumerations, as well as generics and implicit iterators where appropriate.

About the Authors
  • Kenneth L. Calvert is an associate professor at University of Kentucky, where he teaches and does research on the design and implementation of computer network protocols.
  • Michael J. Donahoo teaches networking to undergraduate and graduate students at Baylor University, where he is an assistant professor.
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