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Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory
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  • Title: Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory
  • Author(s) Stephan Fackler, Valter Moretti, Teiko Heinosaari, Mario Ziman, S. Gustafson
  • Publisher: arXiv, University of Toronto
  • Paperback: N/A
  • eBook: PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

Quantum Theory is one of the pillars of modern science developed over the last hundred years. In this collection we introduce, step by step, the quantum theory understood as a mathematical model describing quantum experiments. We start with splitting the experiment into two parts: a preparation process and a measurement process leading to a registration of a particular outcome.

Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory is a collection of lecture notes. The goal is to give a mathematically clear and self-containing explanation of the main concepts of the modern language of quantum theory. The contributors present their topics from a wide variety of backgrounds and specialization, but all shared a common interest in answering quantum issues.

Quantum computing is an exciting subject that offers hope to solve the world's most complex problems at a quicker pace. It is being used quite widely in different spheres of technology, including cybersecurity, finance, and many more, but its concepts, such as superposition, are often misunderstood because engineers may not know the math to understand them. This book will teach the requisite math concepts in an intuitive way and connect them to principles in quantum computing.

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