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The Functional Analysis of Quantum Information Theory
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  • Title The Functional Analysis of Quantum Information Theory
  • Author(s) Ved Prakash Gupta, Prabha Mandayam, V. S. Sunder
  • Publisher: Springer (June 10, 2015); eBook (Final Draft,, 2014)
  • License(s): License
  • Paperback 150 pages
  • eBook PDF and PostScript
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 3319167170
  • ISBN-13: 978-3319167176
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Book Description

This book provides readers with a concise introduction to current studies on operator-algebras and their generalizations, operator spaces and operator systems, with a special focus on their application in Quantum Information Science.

This basic framework for the mathematical formulation of quantum information can be traced back to the mathematical work of John von Neumann, one of the pioneers of operator algebras, which forms the underpinning of most current mathematical treatments of the quantum theory, besides being one of the most dynamic areas of twentieth century Functional Analysis.

Today, von Neumann's foresight finds expression in the rapidly growing field of quantum information theory.

On the quantum information side, the book offers a rigorous treatment of quantifying entanglement in bipartite quantum systems, and moves on to review four different areas in which ideas from the theory of operator systems and operator algebras play a natural role: the issue of zero-error communication over quantum channels, the strong subadditivity property of quantum entropy, the different norms on quantum states and the corresponding induced norms on quantum channels, and, lastly, the applications of matrix-valued random variables in the quantum information setting.

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