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Mathematics for Algorithm and Systems Analysis
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  • Title Mathematics for Algorithm and Systems Analysis: For students of computer and computational science
  • Author(s) Edward A. Bender, and S. Gill Williamson
  • Publisher: Dover Publications (October 27, 2011)
  • Hardcover 256 pages
  • eBook PDF files
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: 0486442500
  • ISBN-13: 978-0486442501
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Book Description

Discrete mathematics is fundamental to computer science, and this up-to-date text assists undergraduates in mastering the ideas and mathematical language to address problems that arise in the field's many applications. It consists of four units of study: counting and listing, functions, decision trees and recursion, and basic concepts of graph theory.

About the Authors
  • Edward A. Bender is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at University of California, San Diego. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics at California Institute of Technology in 1966.
  • Gill Williamson spent his youth in Santa Barbara where he developed a love for swimming and surfing. He has authored or coauthored eight books, seven nonfiction (math and computer science) and one fiction (The Observers). He is now a Professor Emeritus of Computer Science (i.e., a retired professor) at the University of California San Diego. He lives near the beach and still enjoys the ocean.
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