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The Shape of Design
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  • Title: The Shape of Design
  • Author(s) Frank Chimero
  • Publisher: Frank Chimero; First Edition, Fourth Printing (October 4, 2012)
  • Paperback: 142 pages
  • eBook PDF, ePub, and Mobi
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0985472200
  • ISBN-13: 978-0985472207
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Book Description

Instead of talking about typography, grids, or logos, this book focuses on storytelling, co-dependency, and craft. It tries to supplement the abundance of technical talk and how-to elsewhere by elevating why great work is done. Shape is a book about objectives, and it zooms out to answer a couple big questions: How does it feel to make things for other people? And how can we do so in a meaningful, engaged way?

About the Authors
  • Frank Chimero is a NYC-based designer and writer with a big love for museums, playlists, natural wine, and Phil Collins.
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