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- Title: Theory and Applications of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers: A Tribute to Professor Witold Kosiński
- Author(s) Piotr ProkopowiczJacek CzerniakDariusz MikołajewskiŁukasz ApiecionekDominik Ślȩzak
- Publisher: Springer (October 20, 2017); eBook (Creative Commons Licensed)
- License(s): CC BY 4.0
- Hardcover: 322 pages
- eBook: PDF and ePub
- Language: English
- ISBN-10/ASIN: 3319596136/B0787W3CZD
- ISBN-13: 978-3319596136. eBook: 978-3319596143
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This book offers comprehensive coverage on Ordered Fuzzy Numbers, providing readers with both the basic information and the necessary expertise to use them in a variety of real-world applications.
Written by leading researchers, it discusses the main techniques and applications, together with the advantages and shortcomings of these tools in comparison to other fuzzy number representation models.
Primarily intended for engineers and researchers in the field of fuzzy arithmetic, the book also offers a valuable source of basic information on fuzzy models and an easy-to-understand reference guide to their applications for advanced undergraduate students, operations researchers, modelers and managers alike.
About the Authors- Applied Mathematics
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Logic Programming
- Operations Research (OR) and Optimization
- Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Healthcare IT
- Theory and Applications of Ordered Fuzzy Numbers (Piotr ProkopowiczJacek, et al)
- The Mirror Site (1) - PDF
Fuzzy Mathematics (Etienne E Kerre, et al)
This book provides a timely overview of topics in fuzzy mathematics. It contains not only theoretical results, but a wide range of applications in different areas, as well as an introduction into the fascinating topic of Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic.
Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages
This book provides a rigorous and succinct account of the mathematical methods and tools used for representing and reasoning with fuzzy information within Semantic Web languages. The book focuses on the three main streams of Semantic Web languages.
Fuzzy Logic - Controls, Concepts, Theories and Applications
This book introduces new concepts and theories of Fuzzy Logic Control for the application and development of robotics and intelligent machines - how it will play a significant role in the development of intelligent robotic, machine, and mechatronics systems.
C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic (Valluru B. Rao, et al)
Provides a logical and easy-to-follow progression through C++ programming for two of the most popular technologies for artificial intelligence: neural and fuzzy programming. It covers theory as well as practical examples, giving programmers a solid foundation.
Mathematical Introduction to Deep Learning (Arnulf Jentzen, et al)
This book aims to provide an introduction to the topic of deep learning algorithms, coverss essential components of deep learning algorithms in full mathematical detail including different Artificial Neural Network (ANN) architectures and algorithms.
Mathematics for Machine Learning (Marc P. Deisenroth, et al.)
This self contained textbook bridges the gap between mathematical and machine learning texts, introducing the mathematical concepts with a minimum of prerequisites. It provides a beautiful exposition of the mathematics underpinning modern machine learning.
Mathematics for CS and Machine Learning (Jean Gallier, et al.)
Covering everything you need to know about machine learning, now you can master the mathematics, computer science and statistics behind this field and develop your very own neural networks!
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics (Gerald Teschl)
This book is a brief, but self-contained, introduction to the mathematical methods of quantum mechanics, with a view towards applications to Schrodinger operators. Very clear and detailed way and supplements it by numerous exercises.
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory
This is a collection of lecture notes, all shared a common interest in answering quantum issues. The goal is to give a mathematically clear and self-containing explanation of the main concepts of the modern language of quantum theory.