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Unix and Perl Primer for Biologists
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  • Title Unix and Perl Primer for Biologists
  • Author(s) Keith Bradnam and Ian Korf
  • Publisher: The Korf Lab, University of California, Davis. October 2016
  • License(s): CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
  • ebook HTML and PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: 978-87-7681-555-4
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Book Description

This is a basic introductory course for biologists to learn the essential aspects of the Perl programming language. This started as a course for grad students at UC Davis, and we then ran it as a one week intensive course for anyone on campus who was interested (sponsored by the UC Davis Genome Center). The feedback from these courses was very positive and so we have decided that we should make it available to anyone who is interested.

The course is very much aimed at people with no prior experience in either programming or Unix. It is increasingly common that biologists have to deal with vast amounts of in silico data as part of their research, often in the form of many large text files that are the output from research equipment or computer programs. If you complete this course you will hopefully learn enough to be able to write programs to interrogate, refine, and process such data.

About the Authors
  • Keith Bradnam is an Associate Project Scientist
  • Ian Korf is an Assistant Professor at UC Davis Genome Center, College of Biological Sciences
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