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- Title: Zen-Style Programming
- Author(s) Nils M. Holm
- Publisher: (November 24, 2011); eBook (2008)
- Paperback: 336 pages
- eBook: Zipped PDF (336 pages, 754 KB)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: N/A
- ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description
This book introduces the concepts of functional and symbolic programming, applies these techniques to some problems of varying complexity, and eventually discusses the implementation of an abstraction layer for solving problems in an abstract, architecture-neutral way by the example of a purely symbolic LISP interpreter.
About the Authors- Nils M. Holm is attracted by anything that is beautiful: math, nature, little insects, and the bright sun rays that fill the sky in the summer days, but most of all by the fragile reflection of empathy and sensitivity in the eyes of beings that are similar to himself.