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iOS 7 App Development Essentials
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  • Title iOS 7 App Development Essentials: Developing iOS 7 Apps for the iPhone and iPad
  • Author(s) Neil Smyth
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (October 9, 2013)
  • Paperback 764 pages
  • ebook HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10/ASIN: 1492854344
  • ISBN-13: 978-1492854340
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Book Description

Fully updated for iOS 7 and Xcode 5 and consisting of 89 in-depth chapters, the aim of this book is to teach you the skills necessary to build your own iOS 7 apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Beginning with the basics, this book provides an outline of the steps necessary to set up an iOS development environment. An introduction to the architecture of iOS 7 and programming in Objective-C is provided, followed by an in-depth look at the design of iOS applications and user interfaces.

More advanced topics such as file handling, database management, in-app purchases, graphics drawing and animation are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, multitasking, iAds integration, location management, local notifications, camera access and video and audio playback support. Other features are also covered including Auto Layout, Twitter and Facebook integration, event reminders, App Store hosted in-app purchase content, collection views and much more.

New features of iOS 7 are also covered, including Sprite Kit-based 2D game development, local map search and user interface animation using UIKit Dynamics.

Assuming you are ready to download the iOS 7 SDK and Xcode, have an Intel-based Mac and some ideas for some apps to develop, you are ready to get started.

About the Authors
  • Neil Smyth is co-founder and CEO Payload Media, an internet and eBook publishing company based in the U.S. Prior to launching Payload Media, Neil held a number of positions in the IT industry including programming, web development, systems administration and sales and marketing and is the author of a number of technology related books. Click here to see all his "Essentials" technical books.
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