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macOS and Programming
Related Book Categories:
  • Programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for Beginners (Wikibooks)

    This book aims to provide beginners with an introduction to programming Mac OS X with Cocoa, using Xcode, the free developer tools provided with the operating system. Some knowledge of another programming language, preferably C, is assumed.

  • Visual Studio for Mac Succinctly (Alessandro Del Sole)

    This book provides a guide to this latest VS product, paying particular attention to the Integrated Development Environment, the workspace, and all the integrated tools you can leverage to build high-quality, professional applications for mobile devices and the web.

  • Pangea Software's Ultimate Game Programming Guide for Mac OS X

    The author reveals his Mac programming secrets in this indispensable book. It covers all of the nuances dealing with various Mac OS technologies such as the HID Manager, OpenGL, OpenAL, Core Graphics, Rendezvous, Quicktime, and more.

  • Xcode Tutorial For Beginners (Chris Ching)

    This book is for anyone wanting to know more about creating software using Xcode, a programming tool used to develop applications for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. You will get easy to understand, step-by-step guidance on how to program in Xcode.

  • Become an Xcoder: Start Programming the Mac Using Objective-C

    Written for non-programmers,, this book offers a solid foundation for getting the most out of Apple's Xcode tools, a collection of apps and frameworks used to develop, test, and optimize apps for Mac OS X or the iOS (iPhone, iPad, etc.).

  • O'Reilly® Learning Cocoa with Objective-C, 2nd Edition

    This book covers the latest updates to the Cocoa frameworks, including examples that use the Address Book and Universal Access APIs, covers the latest updates to the Cocoa frameworks, including examples that use the Address Book and Universal Access APIs.

  • The Mac Manual (Jackson Chung)

    Help recent Switchers learn more about the Mac operating system, to expose them to the best free applications, to extend their productivity and to assist them with day-to-day procedures by revealing useful tips and tricks from seasoned Mac users.

  • O'Reilly® Mac OS X for Unix Geeks (Brian Jepson, et al)

    This book is your guide to figuring out the BSD Unix system and Mac-specific components that are making your life difficult and to help ease you into the Unix inside Mac OS X - commands that come with Mac OS X although there are no manpages.

  • A History of Apple's Operating Systems (Amit Singh)

    This document discusses operating systems that Apple has created in the past, and many that it tried to create. Through this discussion, we will come across several technologies the confluence of which eventually led to Mac OS X.

  • Bash Guide for Beginners (Machtelt Garrels)

    This guide discusses concepts useful in the daily life of the serious Bash user. It assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming. This book is full of examples and exercises, forcing the reader to apply the theoretical concepts.

  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide (Mendel Cooper)

    This book is both a tutorial and a reference on shell scripting with Bash. It assumes no previous knowledge of scripting or programming, but progresses rapidly toward an intermediate/advanced level of instruction.

  • Mac OS X Unleashed (John Ray, et al)

    Helping users deal with the most trouble-prone aspects of the user interface-including the new features and focusing to a much greater extent on the BSD environment and how the users can get the most out of operating system as well as the components.

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