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A Survey of Statistical Network Models
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  • Title A Survey of Statistical Network Models
  • Author(s) Anna Goldenberg, Anna Goldenberg, Alice X. Zheng, Stephen E. Fienberg and Edoardo M. Airoldi
  • Publisher: Now Publishers Inc (January 29, 2010); eBook (arxiv, 2009)
  • Hardcover/Paperback 120 pages
  • eBook PDF (107 pages)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1601983204
  • ISBN-13: 978-1601983206
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Book Description

Networks have found a prominent place in our everyday life. In science, networks have been used to analyze interpersonal social relationships, communication, academic paper co-authorships and citations, protein interaction patterns, and much more.

Popular books on networks and their analysis began to appear a decade ago, and online "networking communities" such as Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn now include millions of people from around the world. Formal statistical modeling for the analysis of network data has emerged as a major research topic in diverse areas of study.

This book aims to provide the reader with an entry point to the voluminous literature on statistical network modeling. It guides the reader through the development of key stochastic network models, touches upon a number of examples and commonalities across different parts of the network literature, and discusses major schools of thought in static and dynamic network modeling.

In addition, it illuminates the interconnections between existing models. Despite the rich and extensive network modeling literature, many statistical questions remain unanswered. It is hoped that the concluding discussion of gaps and challenges will help the interested reader deduce important future research directions.

About the Authors
  • Anna Goldenberg is a Russian-born computer scientist and an associate professor at University of Toronto's Department of Computer Science and the Department of Statistics, a senior scientist at the Hospital for Sick Children's Research Institute and the Associate Research Director for health at the Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
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