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Advanced R Solutions
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  • Title: Advanced R Solutions
  • Author(s): Malte Grosser, Henning Bumann, and Hadley Wickham
  • Publisher:
  • License(s): CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  • Paperback: N/A
  • eBook: HTML
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

This book offers solutions to the exercises from Hadley Wickham's book Advanced R (Edition 2). It is work in progress and under active development. The 2nd edition of Advanced R is in print now and we hope to provide most of the answers.

The code for this book can be found on GitHub. Your PRs and suggestions are very welcome.

About the Authors
  • Hadley Wickham is Chief Scientist at RStudio, an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University and the University of Auckland, and a member of the R Foundation. He is the lead developer of the tidyverse, a collection of R packages, including ggplot2 and dplyr, designed to support data science.
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