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Applied Quantitative Finance: Theory and Computational Tools
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  • Title Applied Quantitative Finance: Theory and Computational Tools
  • Author(s) Wolfgang K. Hardle, Nikolaus Hautsch, Ludger Overbeck
  • Publisher: Springer; Softcover reprint (November 10, 2010); eBook (2002 Draft)
  • Paperback 447 pages
  • eBook PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 3642088678
  • ISBN-13: 978-3642088674
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Book Description

Applied Quantitative Finance presents solutions, theoretical developments and method proliferation for many practical problems in quantitative finance. The combination of practice and theory supported by computational tools is reflected in the selection of topics as well as in a finely tuned balance of scientific contributions on the practical implementation and theoretical concepts. This concept offers theoreticians insight into the applicability of the methodology and, vice versa, practitioners insight into new methods for their applications. The e-book design of the text links theory and computational tools in an innovative way. All Quantlets for the calculation of the given examples in the text are supported by the academic edition of XploRe. The electronic edition of the book enables one to execute and modify all quantlets immediately.

About the Authors
  • Wolfgang Karl Härdle is the Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz Professor of Statistics at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and director of C.A.S.E. (Center for Applied Statistics and Economics), director of the CRC-649 (Collaborative Research Center) “Economic Risk” and director of the IRTG 1792 “High Dimensional Non-stationary Time Series.” He teaches quantitative finance and semi-parametric statistics. His research focuses on dynamic factor models, multivariate statistics in finance and computational statistics.
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