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Become a Code Breaker with Python: A beginner’s guide to cryptography with Python
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  • Title Become a Code Breaker with Python: A beginner’s guide to cryptography and computer programming with Python
  • Author(s) Albert Sweigart
  • Publisher: (2012)
  • Hardcover/Paperback N/A
  • eBook PDF, 165 pages, 1.8 MB
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A
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Book Description

This book describes several encryption Python programs for various ciphers, along with how to write Python programs that can break these ciphers.

Cryptography is the science of using secret codes. A cryptographer is someone who uses and studies secret codes. This book will teach you what you need to know to become a cryptographer.

Of course, these secret messages don't always stay secret. If someone is a clever cryptanalyst, they might be able to break the code. A cryptanalyst is someone who can break secret codes and read other people's encrypted messages, even if they were not the person who encrypted the message. Cryptanalysts are kind of like computer hackers. This book will also teach you what you need to know to become a cryptanalyst.

About the Authors
  • Albert Sweigart (but you can call him Al), is a software developer in San Francisco, California who enjoys bicycling, volunteering, haunting coffee shops, and making useful software. He is originally from Houston, Texas. He finally put his University of Texas at Austin computer science degree in a frame. He is an atheist, a cat person, and fears that he is losing brain cells over time. He laughs out loud when watching park squirrels, which makes people think heÕs a simpleton
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