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Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 2nd Edition
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  • Title: Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s) Jonathan Stark, Brian Jepson
  • Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 2 edition (January 30, 2012)
  • Paperback: 176 pages
  • eBook: HTML and PDF
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1449316417
  • ISBN-13: 978-1449316419
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Book Description

It's true: if you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop Android applications. Now updated for HTML5, the second edition of this hands-on guide shows you how to use open source web standards to design and build apps that can be adapted for any Android device.

You'll learn how to create an Android-friendly web app on the platform of your choice, and then convert it to a native Android app with the free PhoneGap framework. Discover why device-agnostic mobile apps are the wave of the future, and start building apps that offer greater flexibility and a broader reach.

  • Learn the basics for making a web page look great on the Android web browser
  • Convert a website into a web application, complete with progress indicators and more
  • Add animation with jQTouch to make your web app look and feel like a native Android app
  • Take advantage of client-side data storage with apps that run even when the Android device is offline
  • Use PhoneGap to hook into advanced Android features -- including the accelerometer, geolocation, and alerts
  • Test and debug your app on the Web under load with real users, and then submit the finished product to the Android Market
About the Authors
  • Jonathan Stark is a mobile and web application consultant who has been called "an expert on publishing desktop data to the web" by the Wall Street Journal. He has written two books on web application programming, is a tech editor for both php|architect and Advisor magazines, and has been quoted in the media on internet and mobile lifestyle trends. Jonathan began his programming career more than 20 years ago on a Tandy TRS-80 and still thinks Zork was a sweet game.
  • Brian Jepson is an O'Reilly editor, hacker, and co-organizer of Providence Geeks and the Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire. He's also a volunteer system administrator and all-around geek for AS220, a non-profit arts center in Providence, Rhode Island. AS220 gives Rhode Island artists uncensored and unjuried forums for their work and also provides galleries, performance space, fabrication facilities, and live/work space.
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