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Combinatorial and Computational Geometry
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  • Title Combinatorial and Computational Geometry
  • Author(s) Jacob E. Goodman, János Pach, Emo Welzl
  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press (August 8, 2005)
  • Hardcover 628 pages
  • eBook PDF Files
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0521848628
  • ISBN-13: 978-0521848626
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Book Description

This volume, containing 32 papers on a broad range of topics of current interest in the field, is an outgrowth of the synergism of Discrete and Computational Geometry. It includes surveys and research articles exploring geometric arrangements, polytopes, packing, covering, discrete convexity, geometric algorithms and their complexity, and the combinatorial complexity of geometric objects, particularly in low dimension. There are points of contact with many applied areas such as mathematical programming, visibility problems, kinetic data structures, and biochemistry, and with algebraic topology, geometric probability, real algebraic geometry, and combinatorics.

About the Authors
  • Jacob E. Goodman is a professor of Mathematics at City College, CUNY, and the author of a number of papers in Geometry. He is the co-founder and co-editor-in-chief of The Journal of Discrete and Computational Geometry. He is also the co-editor of many other leading books in the field, most notably, The Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry, published by CRC Press, whose second edition has just appeared, and several volumes published by the American Mathematical Society. A past winner of the MAA's Lester R. Ford award, Goodman was also the founder and first president of the New York Composers Circle. He is a member of the American Mathematical Society.
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